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Thank you for visiting our website! A Grandparent's Love is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized by the IRS that offers support to 4.9 million United States Grandparents raising their grandchildren today. We recognize that this may not be an ideal situation for nontraditional family, we want to provide these households with what it takes to raise a better next generation.


Many grandparents raising grandchildren are doing so on a fixed income, with limited information, and resources. If we collaborate to tackle this situation, no extended family will go without. Partner with us so we can fill in any potential gaps within our very own community. 

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75% of grandparents caring for grandchildren were 65 & older.

United States Census Bureau

64.2% of grandparent homes comprised of women only.

United States Census Bureau

Grandparents who live with grandchildren are younger, less educated, and more likely to be divorced or widowed than grandparents who do not live with a grandchild.

United States Cenus Bureau

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